BAD TRADE WITH Jorge Hernan Jensen Guzman (eBay user: apterodorchus)
Based on my negative experience, I report this man from Chile as a fraudulent eBay seller. Not only he did not send my specimens, but […]
2869 total views, 0 today
W-Palaearctic Buprestidae
A small collection of mounted and identified Buprestidae from the W-Palaearctic. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.
7311 total views, 3 today
W-Palaearctic Cerambycidae
A small collection of western Palearctic Cerambycidae available for sale. They are 460 mounted specimens + 340 unmounted specimens, for a total of 800 specimens. […]
4810 total views, 0 today
BAD TRADE WITH Abdul Rehman Azeemi from Pakistan
I’m reporting here a bad trade with this dishonest man from PAKISTAN: Abdul Rehman Azeemi He asked to me for some money in advance via […]
2277 total views, 2 today
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