Tiphiidae for serious study, trade, sell
I have several Tiphiidae/Thynnidae from many countries and I would like to trade them, or sell or have them identified. Contact me if you are […]
285 total views, 1 today
Tenebrionidae from Morocco etc.
Some fresh Tenebrionidae from Morocco are for sale/trade. Also other specimens from other locations are available.
292 total views, 3 today
Coleoptera small families
For sale/trade some small families of Coleoptera from Morocco, Senegal, Europe, Argentina.
276 total views, 1 today
Curculionidae from different locations
Unmounted and mounted Curculionidae from different locations: Europe, Marocco, Senegal, Argentina.
1188 total views, 1 today
Unmounted Chrysididae for sale/trade
Many unmounted Chrysididae are available for sale/trade.
1180 total views, 1 today
Oriental Xylocopa (Apidae)
A specimen of an Oriental Xylocopa (Apidae) is available.
1049 total views, 0 today
Mud nests of Sceliphron (Sphecidae) with Stilbum (Chrysididae)
Some mmud nests of Sceliphron (Sphecidae) with Stilbum (Chrysididae) are available.
1038 total views, 1 today
Mud nests of Lasioglossum (Halictidae)
Some mud nests of Lasioglossum (Halictidae) are available.
1042 total views, 4 today
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