Cerambycidae & Elateridae from Paraguay & Iran
Offer a mixed lot of 100 Indefinite Cerambycidae from Paraguay for 250 Euro With all necessary data. No breeding animals, all caught! Content: Cerambycidae No […]
2078 total views, 0 today
Melolonthidae from Argentina
Some Melolonthidae from Argentina are available.
4488 total views, 0 today
Selling or trading beetles (2/2)
Selling or trading beetles from Europe, Morocco, Senegal, Argentina, Paraguay. Cicindelidae Cassolaia maura maura Morocco Cephalota (Taenidia) circumdata imperialis Spain Cicindela (Cicindela) campestris atlantis Morocco […]
3059 total views, 0 today
Selling or trading beetles (1/2)
Selling or trading beetles from Europe, Morocco, Senegal, Argentina, Paraguay. Buprestidae Acmaeodera (Acmaeodera) affinis Morocco Acmaeodera (Acmaeodera) cf. cylindrica Morocco Acmaeodera octodecimguttata quattuordecimpunctata Morocco Acmaeodera […]
2929 total views, 0 today
Perotis unicolor unicolor from Morocco
Some specimens of Perotis unicolor unicolor (Coleoptera Buprestidae) from Morocco are available. Some more species are available, too.
2741 total views, 0 today
Paussus (Katapaussus) from Senegal
Some fresh Paussinae (Carabidae) from Senegal are available: – Paussus (Katapaussus) cornutus – Paussus (Katapaussus) armatus and more.
2858 total views, 0 today
Orphnus senegalensis (Scarabaeoidea, Orphninae)
Some fresh specimens (males and females) of Orphnus senegalensis (Scarabaeoidea, Orphninae) are available.
2823 total views, 0 today
Cryptotrogus kircheri (Melolonthinae) from Morocco
Some Cryptotrogus kircheri (Melolonthinae) from Morocco are available.
4325 total views, 0 today
Cicindelidae of Iran
Hello, We sell different species of Cicindelidae from Iran. For more information, please check our webiste. http://insectsofiran.ir/2017/07/07/cicindelidae/
2458 total views, 0 today
Buprestidae/ Rare Julodis of Iran
Hello, We sell different rare species of Buprestidae and Julodis from Iran. For more information, please check our website. http://insectsofiran.ir/2017/07/07/buprestidae/
2272 total views, 0 today
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