Curculionidae from different locations
Unmounted and mounted Curculionidae from different locations: Europe, Marocco, Senegal, Argentina.
1100 total views, 1 today
Asilidae and other Diptera
Some mounted and unmounted Asilidae from different locations are available. Some other Diptera are available, too.
783 total views, 2 today
Melolonthidae from Argentina
Some Melolonthidae from Argentina are available.
4169 total views, 6 today
Hymenoptera Apoidea
Hymenoptera Apoidea from Argentina and different locations. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.
5587 total views, 1 today
Hymenoptera Pompilidae
Hymenoptera Pompilidae from Europe, Argentina, French Guyana. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.
6360 total views, 1 today
Cetoniidae from Argentina
Some Cetoniidae from Argentina available for sale or trade.
2191 total views, 4 today
Small beetles from Argentina and more
Some specimens from Argentina belonging to smaller Coleoptera families, like: Bruchidae Dasytidae Gyrinidae Heteroceridae Hydrophilidae Lampyridae Lycidae Nitidulidae Melyridae Other insects/arachnids available: Blattodea, Cicadidae, Hemiptera, […]
33291 total views, 0 today
Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 3)
Different mounted Scarabaeoidea from Argentina of different Families. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.
5032 total views, 3 today
Some unmounted Phanaeini. Sulcophanaeus imperator alticollis available, other species temporarily out of stock. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.
3214 total views, 1 today
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