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Hymenoptera Apoidea

Hymenoptera Apoidea from Argentina and different locations. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.

5661 total views, 0 today



Hymenoptera Pompilidae

Hymenoptera Pompilidae from Europe, Argentina, French Guyana. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.

6433 total views, 2 today



Cryptotrogus kircheri (Melolonthinae) from Morocco

Some Cryptotrogus kircheri (Melolonthinae) from Morocco are available.

4262 total views, 0 today



Cicindelidae of Iran

Hello, We sell different species of Cicindelidae from Iran. For more information, please check our webiste. http://insectsofiran.ir/2017/07/07/cicindelidae/

2402 total views, 0 today



Buprestidae/ Rare Julodis of Iran

Hello, We sell different rare species of Buprestidae and Julodis from Iran. For more information, please check our website. http://insectsofiran.ir/2017/07/07/buprestidae/

2217 total views, 0 today



Cetoniidae of Iran

Hello, We sell different species of Cetoniidae from Iran. For more information please check our website: http://insectsofiran.ir/2017/07/07/scarabaeidea/

2277 total views, 0 today


Coleoptera of Iran

Hello, We sell different species of Coleoptera from Iran. Please check our website. Sell Insects

2079 total views, 2 today



Cetoniidae from Argentina

Some Cetoniidae from Argentina available for sale or trade.

2216 total views, 0 today



Carabus (Tomocarabus) convexus (Carabidae)

Some specimens of Carabus (Tomocarabus) convexus (Carabidae) are available.

3986 total views, 0 today



Ochodaeus chrysomeloides (Ochodaeidae)

Some unmounted specimens of Ochodaeus chrysomeloides are available. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

4143 total views, 1 today

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