Stereo Microscope Focusing Rack
Unused stereo microscope focusing rack compliant to the standard measures of Olympus, Nikon, Zeiss, Leica, etc. Diameter of ring for microscope head: 3″ (76mm). Diameter […]
2505 total views, 2 today
Orphnus senegalensis (Scarabaeoidea, Orphninae)
Some fresh specimens (males and females) of Orphnus senegalensis (Scarabaeoidea, Orphninae) are available.
2811 total views, 1 today
Ichneumonidae from French Guyana
Some Ichneumonidae (and other smaller Families) from French Guyana. I can exchange them with Chrysididae or Orussidae from everywhere.
3586 total views, 2 today
Pompilidae from French Guyana
Some Pompilidae from French Guyana. I can exchange them with Chrysididae or Orussidae from everywhere.
3540 total views, 2 today
Mutillidae from French Guyana
Some Mutillidae from French Guyana. I can exchange them with Chrysididae or Orussidae from everywhere.
4089 total views, 0 today
Colpa sexmaculata (Hymenoptera Scoliidae)
Some males and females of Colpa sexmaculata (Hymenoptera Scoliidae) are available. Selling or trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.
5846 total views, 0 today
Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae, Cimbicidae, Siricidae
Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae, Cimbicidae, Siricidae from different locations. Some specimens are mounted, some in blister, some soft in liquid. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.
4318 total views, 1 today
Hymenoptera Apoidea
Hymenoptera Apoidea from Argentina and different locations. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.
5732 total views, 2 today
Hymenoptera Pompilidae
Hymenoptera Pompilidae from Europe, Argentina, French Guyana. Trading with Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Mutillidae, etc.
6522 total views, 3 today
Cryptotrogus kircheri (Melolonthinae) from Morocco
Some Cryptotrogus kircheri (Melolonthinae) from Morocco are available.
4311 total views, 1 today
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