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Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 3)

  • Ad type: Sell, Trade
  • Listed: 17/03/2018 5:23 PM

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Scar_var_Argentina02Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 3) - Image 2


Different mounted Scarabaeoidea from Argentina of different Families.

Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.


5408 total views, 7 today


Listing ID: 7375aad4eeb0a808

One Response to “Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 3)”

  1. Hello,

    I’m interested in some of your Scarabaeidae from Argentina, i have for exchange some Bolboceratidae if you want.
    I also have a bad trade with Abdul Azeeman…
    Contact me if you’re interested.

    My best regards


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