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  • Member Since: 20/11/2017




Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 3)

Different mounted Scarabaeoidea from Argentina of different Families. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

5352 total views, 3 today


W-Palaearctic Buprestidae

A small collection of mounted and identified Buprestidae from the W-Palaearctic. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

7286 total views, 1 today


W-Palaearctic Cerambycidae

A small collection of western Palearctic Cerambycidae available for sale. They are 460 mounted specimens + 340 unmounted specimens, for a total of 800 specimens. […]

4798 total views, 0 today




Some unmounted Phanaeini. Sulcophanaeus imperator alticollis available, other species temporarily out of stock. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

3287 total views, 0 today


Scarabaeoidea from Paraguay

Different unmounted and mounted Scarabaeoidea from Paraguay of different Families. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

3369 total views, 0 today


Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 2)

Different unmounted and mounted Scarabaeoidea from Argentina of different Families. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

3108 total views, 0 today


Scarabaeoidea from Argentina (part 1)

Different unmounted and mounted Scarabaeoidea from Argentina of different Families. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

3729 total views, 1 today


Hydrophilidae from Argentina

Unmounted Hydrophilidae from Argentina. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

3910 total views, 0 today


Julodis (Buprestidae) from Morocco and more

Some Julodis (Buprestidae) from Morocco, unmounted or mounted. Other Buprestidae available. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

7111 total views, 1 today


Spiders from Australia (Holconia insignis)

A male and female Spiders from Australia of the species Holconia insignis (Sparassidae). Price for the cuple. Selling or trading with Chrysididae and Bolboceratidae.

3594 total views, 0 today

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