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Terms and conditions

Please read carefully the following terms of use of Entoads website

Entoads website. Entoads is a web site that supports the trading, buying and selling of insect specimens as long as these activities are in compliance with local, federal, and international regulations (principle of legality) and as long as such activities do not affect in any way the natural environment (principle of sustainability).

Disclaimer. Entoads does not admit ads on vertebrates or on threatened species according to the “Washington Convention” (CITES) or to local, federal, and international regulations, and will remove all those ads that are not in line with this indispensable directive.

Entoads operates in good faith that users are responsible to inform themselves about insect trading, and comply with local, federal, and international regulations concerning the wildlife trading and collecting. Consequently, it is unique responsibility of the users to comply with such laws and regulations.

All negotiations arising from Entoads are made privately between user and user. Entoads does not mediate, does not remedy and does not intervene in any way in the negotiations and in the relationships between users.

English language By posting ads on this site, the user acquiesces to the above conditions.
German language Durch das Veröffentlichen von Anzeigen auf dieser Website akzeptiert der Benutzer die oben genannten Bedingungen.
French language En publiant des annonces sur ce site, l’utilisateur accepte les conditions ci-dessus.
Spanish language Al publicar anuncios en este sitio, el usuario acepta las condiciones anteriores.
Italian language Inserendo annunci in questo sito web, l’utente accetta le condizioni sopra indicate.
Russian language Публикуя объявления на этом сайте, пользователь соглашается с вышеуказанными условиями.

Entoads Language. Entoads is written in English, but the use of other languages is allowed and welcome.

Entoads Logo. You may use Entoads logo only under our written permission. If you are interested in linking back to Entoads you can contact us asking for a banner or a different solution.

Privacy policy: We respect your privacy and, according to the general regulation for the protection of personal data n. 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), your data will not be collected, distributed or used without your permission. Read more.

Contact. If you have any questions about Entoads Terms and Conditions, please contact us.

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